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First and foremost WE would like to let you know that this is about the children and their development. WE have been using this concept with long term success for the past sixteen years. We share our unrestricted knowledge and every adult may use the words or terminology in any way they choose. Be it with Family in everyday relationships or in their immediate environments. But they should also allow everyone else to have this same freedom of choice. Especially the children!

OUR hope to give those who it affects a chance to see a new perspective and a chance for change and development! And we would like for everyone else to read this text with an open mind. Then we will see how well the matter is understood and accepted.


Although it concerns us, we are not asked. OUR tolerance for all others is set up as a natural prerequisite. That being said it would only be fair to read the following with consideration.

Thank you.

The word MELAN will be described more closely as the text goes on.

But firstly WE would like to explain why all melan people that live in the United States are described as, or used to be described as “black”.

The reason is NOT based on the color of the skin but is based on a cultural and social identity that was imposed on them by the general population.

When a child is born it does not have any experience as it regards to color of skin. And if the child is to grow up without prejudice but with the freedom of development it deserves, then it must not be influenced by the use of these words from the adults around them.

An adult can acknowledge this but a child is dependent upon the goodwill, education and understanding of the grown-ups.

The use of the word “black” (as it pertains to people with a melan skin tone) is becoming more popular and widespread in Germany. And this has often and historically been the wrong use of the word.

The interesting thing is that the description of populations with people of melan skin color has changed again and again in the past centuries.

However an alternative word has never been developed. For a lot of people who culturally stem from different countries (with different skin colors) or from families with different skin colors the terms “you are black” or “you are white” never made sense. This is because children do not see the skin color as black or white but rather as different shades of brown.

MELAN:a modified version of the greek word MELANIN meaning “Black”. But in this case there is no connotation (associated meaning) or semantics (logical or lexical) involved.

Within every person

THE WORD MELANIN IS NEUTRAL AND POSITIVELY ANCHORED because melanin is in every person and protects against dangerous Sunrays. It converts these rays into harmless warmth. The hormone MELANIN is in every person. SOME HAVE MORE of it and SOME HAVE LESS of it. But we ALL have it. immediately there is a WE!


Everyone that is described as (or describes themselves) as being melan is positively influenced (down to their core being) by this belief about themselves. (The more melan you are the more good Melanin you have.)

Thus anchoring in a POSITIVE STIGMA and automatically paving the way for a POSITIVE LIFE.

That and the fact that there is only this one POSITIVE characteristic of the word with no negative associations! The opposite is true of the word “black” which is full of negative connotations. As the following list shows.


that’s why it is very important to reflect upon which words we use to describe ourselves and others. This is indispensable for the development of our social relations with each other and for us humans as a whole.


The “color black” has ALWAYS been used in a negative context. No matter if you’re describing people, objects or symbols.

Here are just a few of the many examples:

  • Darkness is black
  • You show grief by wearing black clothes
  • Painting a picture which is all black when you talk about negative things
  • The big black man is the one who you fear in children’s stories and games
  • Malignant Tumors are described as being black
  • Educational methods that are frowned upon are called black paedagogy
  • In politics there are black and brown parties

These of course are not all negative associations with the word black. You could fill whole books with those type of associations if you wanted to. There are just so many of them.

Children learn these attributions while they are very young. They learn it from their environment and not using their own instinct or intuition.

In this way the negative association anchors itself in the subconscious mind at an early age thus becoming part of the child’s self-concept. This in turn has fatal consequences for the child’s sense of self and self-worth which it will carry around it’s whole life. This is because the subconscious mind controls our behaviors according to whatever is stored in there.

LET’S BE FAKT…WE’VE never seen a “black” or “white” person. But we’ve seen enough people of melan color: melan indians, melan germans, melan greeks, melan turks and so forth. And the color-theory states that there is no such thing as black or white as a color.

Since the consciousness arose on how language has a strong influence on the perception of reality, there has been a steady development of words and terminology. The influence of which certain language and terminology have on the psychology and self-concept of humans have been observed and experimented with.

It is clear that the meaning of certain words and terms can often be lost in translation because of connotations and semantics. And that in other times it can be completely false or even (as in the case with the word “black”) negatively associated for those described as being such.

MOST IMPORTANT EXAMPLE: If you tell a child it is dumb or stupid then the child will believe this. If it is true or not is not of interest. The child will make this part of his self-concept. Then it will subconsciously act according to this belief (clumsy, awkward etc). His environment will then “see” the truth of how dumb the child is (even though this is not the truth, because the child is not dumb just a little clumsy and feeling awkward). Thus concluding the “self-fulfilling prophecy”, as psychology likes to call it.


This same mechanism of stigmatization is found in melan children because of the association of the word “black” and how it is used!

Incidentally, we would like to say something about the PRIMITIVE TERMINOLOGY “mixed”…

This is a term that should only be used when describing animals and never people. Using this term as a slang word shows not only the lower educational status of those using the word but also a low amount of social competency of those same people.

Passed generations may have used this terminology without thinking about the implications because those being described by this word never thought anything of it either. And some even sadly used the word when describing themselves. Just because no one ever thought to asked where that term came from.

On this Point it’s time to think about what historically took place and which sociological background attributed past generations to using the word “mixed”. This word used to describe humans came out of the time of National Socialism. It was used to describe anyone who was not of pure descent during the time of the Third Reich. Anyone who had non-german roots or part jewish was considered as being impure and was expelled. So historically it has been used negatively as it supposedly described people of lesser value.

But now back to the word “black”

Since there are so many negative associations of the word black we can see how growing up in a society where being described as being “black” in color has major ramifications on the child’s life. All the negative associations of the word affect the subconscious mind.

The negativity associated with that word act as a dark shadow clouding every and all life experiences of the child. Thus making it more difficult to be properly socialized because of how these many negative experiences act on the psyche of the child.

If I would have known this sooner?!